Reform UK Northeast


A Vision for Change and Prosperity


Our country has so much potential, but both Labour and the Conservatives have broken promise after promise for the last 30 years.

You are worse off, both financially and culturally. Wages are stagnant, we have a housing crisis, our young people struggle to get on the property ladder, we have rising crime, energy bills are some of the highest in Europe, the NHS isn’t working, both legal and illegal immigration are at record levels and woke ideology has captured our public institutions and schools.

The Conservatives have failed and Labour will fail too. A vote for either is a vote for more incompetence, dishonesty and failure.

We are ruled by an out of touch political class who have turned their backs on our country.

Reform is the alternative.

Only Reform will stand up for British culture, identity and values. We will freeze immigration and stop the boats. Restore law and order. Repair our broken public services. Cut taxes to make work pay. End government waste. Slash energy bills. Unlock real economic growth.

Only Reform will take back control over our borders, our money and our laws. Only Reform will secure Britain’s future as a free, proud and rich nation.

Join the revolt.

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Membership Benefits

Joining Reform UK Durham as a member comes with exclusive benefits to enrich your political journey. By becoming a member, you gain access to:

  • Networking opportunities with like-minded individuals
  • Invitations to exclusive events
  • Community support to grow your political impact
  • Access to valuable resources to enhance your campaign strategies

Membership Options

At Reform UK Durham, we offer various membership options tailored to suit different needs and preferences. Choose from:

  • Individual membership for personal engagement
  • Corporate membership for organizational support
  • Lifetime membership for long-term commitment
  • Student membership for future leaders

Reform UK Policy

Britain Needs Reform and Reform UK Needs You
Britain has so much potential. Our country is full of talent and energy. Brexit is the opportunity of a lifetime. The challenges we face are vast. Both Labour and Tory governments have broken promise after promise. They have destroyed trust in our democracy and betrayed the British people. Our country is worse off, both financially and culturally. The economy is being wrecked by record high taxes, record high national debt, wasteful government spending and nanny state regulations. Record mass immigration has damaged our country. The small boats crisis threatens our security. Multiculturalism has imported separate communities that reject our way of life. Divisive, ‘woke’ ideology has captured our public institutions. Transgender indoctrination is causing irreversible harm to children. The unprecedented population explosion has pushed Britain to breaking point. There’s a housing crisis. A benefits crisis. Record crime. Record NHS waiting lists. Wages are stagnating. Net Zero has sent energy costs soaring. It is making us poorer and colder, damaging British industry and forcing drivers off the road. The Tories have broken Britain. Labour will bankrupt Britain. A vote for either is a vote for
more incompetence, dishonesty and defeat. The two-party system has failed. We are ruled by an out-of-touch political class who have turned their backs on our country. But there is an alternative. The British people now have a common sense choice in Reform UK. Our Contract with You is a serious plan to reshape the way our country is run. The government must work for the British people. Not against them. Only Reform UK will stand up for British culture, identity and values. We will freeze immigration and stop the boats. Restore law and order. Repair our broken public services. Cut taxes to make work pay. End government waste and deliver our fully funded plan for zero NHS waiting lists. We will unlock Britain’s vast energy treasure of oil and gas to slash energy bills, beat the cost-of-living crisis and unleash real economic growth. Once and for all, we will take back control over our borders, our money and our laws. Only Reform UK will secure Britain’s future as a free, proud and independent sovereign nation

How can you get involved?


How we recover as a nation from the pandemic will be critical to the future success of the UK. We must reform the way our country is run and managed so that it works properly for the people.

Reform is essential in three key areas:

Reform our Economy: to succeed, we must become a low tax, smartly regulated, high growth economy. Faster growth is the only way to better wages and more tax revenues to invest in better healthcare and other public services. Our bold economic vision frees up over 6 million people from paying income tax and over 1.2 million small businesses/self-employed from paying corporation tax. We would also remove a raft of stifling taxes. This will generate much faster growth.

Reform our Public Sector: we must be ambitious, seeking faster, more efficient public services that work better for us all, with better results. For example, in health, we should demand zero waiting lists. Our police need to focus on preventing crime, catching criminals, not woke nonsense.

Reform our Institutions: major change is needed to the bodies that impact our lives, the unelected cronyism of the House of Lords, the outdated civil service, the bloated BBC. Reform is essential to our voting system so it is fairer, more representative; the two-party system embeds the status quo and prevents real change.

A real agenda for bold reform. We restate our core values: We must return all our liberties to the people. We must preserve freedom of speech. We must control our borders properly. We must protect our proud heritage from the woke folk and celebrate our nation’s incredible successes.

We are growing fast, and standing hundreds of candidates in the forthcoming elections. We need your support and help to succeed. Please join us as a registered member, donate if you can, perhaps get involved by standing as a candidate? 

Together let's change politics for good!